Fall 2018 Twitter Talks Set To Begin This Week

Wondering if medicine is right for you? Decided medicine is your path but want to learn more about the process? Are you simply curious to learn more about what makes the College of Human Medicine a great choice?

Join us tomorrow as the Office of Admissions hosts our first Twitter Talk of the cycle.

Potential applicants are bound to have questions and can directly interact with current College of Human Medicine students and admissions staff by simply joining us on Twitter! This initial Twitter Talk will be held Thursday, October 11th at 5pm ET.

The Office of Admissions typically hosts several Twitter Talks each fall, now in it's fourth year of the initiative. More Twitter Talks are being planned for later in the season.

Wherever you are in the process, applicants can chat with the college and ask about a variety of topics including what makes a competitive applicant, the innovative Shared Discovery Curriculum, premedical requirement models, special programming like LRM and LMU, early assurance, our integrated clinical approach, dual-degree opportunities, bringing tech to medical training and more!

Simply log onto Twitter and follow us at @MDadmissions. Participate in the conversation by tweeting us directly, via DM, or using the hashtag #SpartanMDChat.

People can also send in questions ahead of time on either of our social media platforms. We'll be sure to address them and look forward to chatting with you!


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