Student Life: In Caring for Family over the Holiday Break, College of Human Medicine Student is Reminded of an Important Lesson, Experiences Family Traditions with a Twist
Contributed by Christi Boze, MCE Student at the College of Human Medicine Like many families of all backgrounds, my own has Christmas traditions. These include our Christmas eve carpet picnic, unboxing a new board game, and watching Die Hard. However, this year was a little bit different. For context, my grandpa has had an abdominal aortic aneurysm for the past several years now. After the aneurysm had reached a certain size and once it was safe again to be back in the hospital, the time arrived for grandpa’s surgery. The surgery was supposed to last an hour and my grandpa was supposed to leave the next day. Unfortunately, this did not go as planned. Instead, the surgery lasted for more than three hours and he presented with post-surgical complications, landing him with a longer hospital stay. This is where I come in! I was sitting at home (the first Saturday of winter break, I might add) probably munching on Twizzlers and watching a movie when I received a phone...