CHM To Continue Hosting Virtual Interviews for the 2022 Cycle After Going Digital in 2021

Interview season is right around the corner! The College of Human Medicine (CHM) interviews candidates through a series of dates from September to February, with typically an additional scheduling specifically for Early Assurance candidates in late February or early March.

Medical schools have all done their best to adapt to various guidelines at the federal, state, and even university level since the pandemic began. Continuing social distancing directives and various restrictions, which include travel, have been catalysts for admissions offices such as our own to convert important components of the process to online platforms. Last year, CHM decided to make an important adjustment in hosting virtual interviews. This year, we'll be doing the same.

The previous cycle saw the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) come out with recommendations and resources on interviewing virtually, encouraging medical schools to conduct their applicant interviews either by phone or videoconferencing. As discussed in our announcement of virtual interviews for the 2021 cycle, virtual interviews benefit students in a number of ways. Virtual interviews means less travel. Yes, safety is the priority, but less travel can also save applicants thousands of dollars in flights, lodging, and other potential costs. 

Naturally, the College of Human Medicine looks forward to another enriching cycle. The aim is always to create a positive, informative virtual interview experience for applicants at every step of the way. Visitors can learn more about applying to CHM at our website's Applying section. For now, here is more information on interviewing with CHM.


Once we receive an applicant's verified AMCAS application, Secondary application, CASPer Test Score, and MCAT test score, an initial review process will take place to determine whether an invitation to interview will be offered. Learn more about the applications process and selection factors

Applicants invited to interview with the College of Human Medicine will receive the invitation by email. The status in the Applicant Portal will be updated to INVITED TO INTERVIEW.

This digital "interview day" consists of two parts: the Pre-Interview Presentations and the formal Virtual Interview. Once the invite is accepted and the interview date is confirmed, CHM invitees receive additional information and subsequent details.


Applicants invited to interview receive informational programming via access to presentations on the college's background, additional educational opportunities, special certificate programs, financial aid, the Shared Discovery Curriculum, and more. Interviewees will also be provided a digital Interview Day "packet" of information.

These Pre-Interview Presentations serve to still allow interviewees the opportunity to review important, in-depth information about the college. The presentations are broken up into two categories: Interview Process and Special Programs. 


CHM uses two types of interview assessments: a one-on-one, 30-minute structured interview with a current medical student and a multiple mini-interview (MMI).

The MMI consists of timed (ten-minute), highly-structured interview scenarios. Applicants rotate through eight stations, each with its own interviewer and interview scenario. Interview scenarios include addressing questions, collaborating with a fellow applicant on a project, and engaging in role-play with a standardized actor.

We believe that the combination of these two types of interviews will provide us with the most accurate information about you, thus giving you the best chance to shine for the Committee on Admissions! Our interviews will be used to assess applicant “fit” with our medical school based on additional information conveyed about your goals, passions, and personal character.  Each is designed to address topics in a highly structured manner such that there is consistency and equity in interview questions and experiences across the applicant interview pool.


The AAMC has created an Applicant Preparation Guide for virtual interviews that shares some helpful tips for applicants as schools shift to virtual interviews. One of the main tips is naturally identifying a suitable environment and technology. 

To participate in virtual interviews, you will need:

A stable internet connection.

A computer or tablet with a good webcam and microphone. Although a mobile phone may be used, we recommend using a computer or tablet to improve stability. We also recommend using a device that will not accept phone calls during interviews because a phone call will interfere with your ability to complete your response. 

A quiet, well-lit space free of distractions and where you can be alone.

In addition, the AAMC's recorded webinar, Prep for Success in your Virtual Interview, also offers good insights on virtual interviewing.


AAMC Prep for Success in your Virtual Interview from AAMC on Vimeo.

Though it may seem informal, virtual interviews are official components of the medical school admissions process. Remember to dress professionally and consider the position of the camera. Also, we all must continue to be patient and understanding this year. Adjustments are still being made.

Feel free to reach out to the Office of Admissions if you have any further questions or concerns and be sure to follow us for updates. We look forward, as always, to meeting more incredible applicants this cycle and wish you all the best of luck! Dare to be...a #SpartanMD!


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