College of Human Medicine Admissions Requirements Update for the 2023 Cycle

The College of Human Medicine recognizes that the recent COVID-19 crisis has been life-disrupting for everyone. As we transition from pandemic to endemic and beyond, we must consider how students and applicants have been affected.

Grades through Spring 2022

Many colleges and universities decided to continue instituting a Pass/Fail system for coursework through spring 2022. For those of you in which a Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade is rendered for any courses from winter 2020 through spring 2022, CHM will accept that course grade without bias. This includes coursework that is traditionally considered prerequisite or recommended for many medical school admissions processes.

The vast majority of schools will have since returned to an in-person learning experience beginning with the summer 2022 semester. As such, traditional letter/numerical grading will be required for prerequisite coursework starting then but may be reconsidered pending future life-threatening outbreaks of COVID-19 and individual institutional circumstances.

2022/2023 MCAT

Please review the official AAMC MCAT webpage, which includes up-to-date information on if and how the MCAT registration/testing process is currently being affected by COVID-19. If MCAT testing dates are interrupted, CHM Admissions will accept scores from any extended exam date that was subsequently added and will accommodate application deadline extensions as needed should the 2022-23 application cycle be affected.


The College of Human Medicine has a long history of approaching admissions decisions holistically and in a way that balances our focus well beyond academic metrics. We understand that the pandemic interrupted various activities that would have helped you provide additional support to your application. CHM Admissions would encourage you to convey these disruptions in your application for our committee to consider—activities section, personal statement, secondary application—wherever best for you.

Situational Judgement Testing

The college requires applicants to take either a) CASPer Test (from Altus Assessments) or b) PREview Exam (from the AAMC). Please check the Altus Assessments and/or AAMC websites for registration and CHM testing dates.

Please note that MD/PhD applicants, however, must take one of these exams by the given deadlines for the 2023 application cycle. MD/PhD applicants who test beyond the deadline will not be considered.

Onsite tours and programming

CHM has re-initiated onsite campus tours for prospective applicants. We also encourage prospective applicants to review our virtual tours, which highlight both our East Lansing and Grand Rapids campuses. In-person recruitment programing will be reserved for applicants who have received an acceptance decision by our admissions committee.


CHM Admissions will continue online interviews for the entire 2022-23 application cycle. There will not be an in-person interview option.  CHM Admissions is confident that our programming and interviews will remain helpful and informational to and for everyone.

Final Comments

Medical school admissions processes strive to create assessment strategies that are fair and equitable for everyone. Unfortunately, COVID-19 ignored fairness and equity. For some of you, this might affect your ability to put forth the best application possible. And for most medical schools, the applicant pool will remain highly competitive even with the lingering effects of COVID-19.

As you navigate upcoming application cycles, please maintain healthy relationships with your prehealth advisers, especially after graduation. Keep an open mind. Be receptive to feedback. The application process is expensive. And understand that there is nothing fair about our current public health crisis. Apply to medical school only when your application is competitive. A robust and healthy dialogue with your prehealth adviser will help you determine if you are ready to apply.

The College of Human Medicine wishes applicants the best in this next cycle.


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