College of Human Medicine Admissions Requirements Update for the 2023 Cycle

The College of Human Medicine recognizes that the recent COVID-19 crisis has been life-disrupting for everyone. As we transition from pandemic to endemic and beyond, we must consider how students and applicants have been affected. Grades through Spring 2022 Many colleges and universities decided to continue instituting a Pass/Fail system for coursework through spring 2022. For those of you in which a Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade is rendered for any courses from winter 2020 through spring 2022, CHM will accept that course grade without bias. This includes coursework that is traditionally considered prerequisite or recommended for many medical school admissions processes. The vast majority of schools will have since returned to an in-person learning experience beginning with the summer 2022 semester. As such, traditional letter/numerical grading will be required for prerequisite coursework starting then but may be reconsidered pending future life-threateni...