CHM To Continue Hosting Virtual Interviews for the 2022 Cycle After Going Digital in 2021

Interview season is right around the corner! The College of Human Medicine (CHM) interviews candidates through a series of dates from September to February, with typically an additional scheduling specifically for Early Assurance candidates in late February or early March. Medical schools have all done their best to adapt to various guidelines at the federal, state, and even university level since the pandemic began. Continuing social distancing directives and various restrictions, which include travel, have been catalysts for admissions offices such as our own to convert important components of the process to online platforms. Last year, CHM decided to make an important adjustment in hosting virtual interviews. This year, we'll be doing the same. The previous cycle saw the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) come out with recommendations and resources on interviewing virtually, encouraging medical schools to conduct their applicant interviews either by phone or video...