Fall 2017 Admissions Office "Twitter Talk" Chats Set With Dates For September, October

The College of Human Medicine Office of Admissions has announced their two fall Twitter Talk sessions of the 2017-2018 cycle.

Those interested in learning more about the college and/or admissions process can join us on Wednesday, September 27th at 8pm ET/5pm PT and Thursday, October 12th at 7pm ET/4pm PT. It is the third straight fall the admissions office has planned the initiative, a platform allowing curious and potential applicants to chat with the college and ask any questions they may have on a variety of topics.

Admissions staff will once again be joined by a panel of Early Clinical Experience (ECE) and Middle Clinical Experience (MCE) students. The chat on Sept. 27th will feature students from our Grand Rapids community campus while the chat on Oct. 12th will switch over to East Lansing.

Last year, students touched on several topics including the innovative Shared Discovery Curriculum and the college's community campuses.

"Our fall Twitter Talks allow current and potential applicants the opportunity to engage directly with the college and members of our student body," says Francisco Velazquez, Communications Coordinator for the college's Office of Admissions.

Velazquez also says having the chat on Twitter allows the college to connect with students in a setting they're comfortable with, one in which you can participate from home.

He adds: "It's really helpful for those wanting to learn more about the admissions process and what it's sincerely like to be a College of Human Medicine student."

Log onto Twitter and follow our account at @MDadmissions. Join the chat by tweeting us directly or using the hashtag #SpartanMDChat. People can also send in questions ahead of time at mdadmissions@msu.edu and the students will be sure to address them.


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