Profile for the College of Human Medicine Entering Class of 2017

Among other notable stats is the fact that the college officially surpassed 7,000 applications last year, steadily increasing from 6,488 and 6,819 over the last two years, respectively.
With an interview process that runs from September to March, the college met with close to 500 excellent applicants. From those 490 students, CHM is happy to welcome 191 matriculants this year to the nation's pioneer in community-based medicine.
Just over three-quarters are from the state of Michigan, allowing an uptick of out-of-state students. While out-of-state students typically make up about 20 percent of each class, it is not too abnormal to see non-Michiganders make up to a quarter of the class.
Of the 24% that come from other states and provinces, 28 are from California. Other states and provinces represented include Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
A quarter of the class does come from rural areas while 29% of students self-designated as from an underserved area. Almost half of our entering class reported disadvantage or were identified as disadvantaged by American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) based upon family income or parental level of education.
Thirty percent of matriculants identify as Underrepresented in Medicine, meaning those from racial and ethnic populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession relative to their numbers in the general population.
This studious group obtained 198 undergraduate degrees and ten students completed double degrees. Many of them, 24 to be exact, went on to obtain Master's degrees and two bring to medical school a previous doctorate (PhD, PharmD).
The most popular undergraduate degree was Biology—the choice of 87 students. That number swells to 169 when you include all other science-related majors.
CHM does not prefer one major over another, so the class is also well represented with non-science majors that include: Accounting, Anthropology (including Evolutionary and Social), Art, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, Asian Humanities, Athletic Training, Business Administration, Chicano/Chicana Studies, Classical Archeology, Dance, Economics, English, Education, International Studies, Music, Organizational Leadership, Organizational Studies, Psychology, Public Health, Public Policy, Sociology, Spanish, and Women’s and Gender Studies.
New first-year students, or Early Clinical Experience (ECE) students, mean last year's ECE students moved on to their second year of training, or the Middle Clinical Experience. With the Shared Discovery Curriculum entering its second fall, this is the first year that ALL College of Human Medicine students will have weekly experiences in the clinical environment, seeing patients and interacting with other medical professionals.
You can also see class profiles for the last five entering classes on our web site's future applicants page.
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