Student Post: What's It Like To Be An M2/MCE?

Question: What’s it Like to be an M2? Two years ago next month, I interviewed to be a part of the College of Human Medicine (CHM) Class of 2022. I was overjoyed to be accepted! I remember vacationing with my family the following summer, during the fleeting weeks of pre-med school life. They asked: What do you do in medical school? I knew my schedule for the upcoming M1/ECE year would involve anatomy lab, pathology lab, clinical simulation lab, small- and large-group learning activities, as well as weekly clinical experiences in an outpatient primary care office. But beyond that, I had no idea what the future would hold. The college's Shared Discovery Curriculum breaks the training down into three main periods: the first year is the Early Clinical Experience (ECE), the second year is the Middle Clinical Experience (MCE), and the third/fourth years are the Late Clinical Experience (LCE). So I wondered: How will things be different as an M2/MCE? In the blink of an eye, ...