As CHM Moves to Utilize CASPer Test, Scores Will Be Used In Determining Interview Invitations

The College of Human Medicine Office of Admissions has announced that we will be requiring the CASPer test as part of our admissions requirements beginning in the2019-2020 application cycle. The first set of testing dates through June have now officially been announced! But beyond the testing dates, there are many things to know about CASPer and you can read our announcement to learn more about the online assessment tool, including information on the format, cost, and rating system. Along with that initial information, it's also important to note that each school who uses the CASPer test may utilize those scores in their own individual way and at different points of the process. This brings us to why and how the College of Human Medicine decided to adopt the CASper. So...Why CASPer? As we've mentioned before ( here , here , and here ), the trend in medical school admissions has been to take a more holistic approach in admitting what are to become well-rounded p...