Taking It All In, Part 1: Transitioning To A Special Medical School

After receiving the acceptance phone call from Dr. Maurer, College of Human Medicine Assistant Dean for Admissions , it kind of seemed surreal that I had been accepted. That feeling could be from dreams I would sometimes have of being accepted only to wake up realizing it hadn’t happened yet. I know. The waiting game is the worst. It didn’t really hit me that I was going to be a doctor until I received my white coat. That made it real. Since the white coat ceremony, we hit the floor running since the first day of class was the day after the ceremony. There was an adjustment period trying to figure out how best to study the material. It wasn’t that the material was difficult to comprehend, it was just the shear volume! You naturally try to find a balance between personal life and school. I think I’ve developed a good balance now to keep myself sane (although I’m sure my classmates will say that’s debatable). After the first couple months of medical school, I’ve definitely le...