All About The MMI: Tips on What To Expect and How To Prepare

Applicant interviews are underway across the country and medical schools are finally coming face-to-face with candidates for their incoming classes next fall. Each institution has their own characteristics to look for as well as their own strategies for evaluating applicants. Here at MSU, we've utilized the Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) format in our Interview Day since 2011. In fact, the MSU College of Human Medicine (CHM) was the first medical school in the state of Michigan to implement the method. While this is a relatively new interview format in the United States, it has been used successfully for years throughout Canada and Australia. Developed at McMaster University (Canada), more and more stateside schools are adopting the MMI each year, which has become increasingly popular beyond just medical schools. To understand why, it's important to know what the MMI is. What is the MMI? The MMI is a series of short (timed), highly structured "interviews...